Rees-Mogg Could Have Been The Antidote


I’m sure that whoever becomes the next Prime Minister will do a sterling job, but it seems like Britain’s best chance of a Rees-Mogg residency in Downing Street has gone. 

The search for Britain’s next Prime Minister has whittled down to the final two candidates - Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss. Whilst I’m over the moon at this, I do feel like the race would’ve been that much better if the crown jewel of British politics, Jacob Rees-Mogg, entered the picture. 

Jacob Rees-Mogg, a national treasure in my eyes, should’ve considered a bid for PM as I think he would’ve been hugely successful. Delightfully posh and delightfully passionate about family values, Rees-Mogg could provide the antidote to the country’s moral, physical, and economic decline.


Rees-Mogg Radiates Dignity

Anybody who knows me is aware of my affinity for Rees-Mogg and I don’t attempt to hide it. Whether you agree with his views or not, you can’t deny that the man is unshakable in his beliefs and extremely eloquent in his delivery. Much like Boris Johnson, Rees-Mogg commands respect and radiates dignity. The fact he’s not running for Prime Minister is nothing short of a tragedy. 

Just imagine how Rees-Mogg would handle the cost-of-living crisis. His economic prowess, combined with his personal wealth, would both enlighten and inspire the public. People would, hopefully, actually want to work harder and aim for better jobs. They’d stop downing tools, going on strike and cease the incessant social media crusades demanding that they be paid more. Rees-Mogg’s life story is a true inspiration, and hopefully his delightful character is accurately reflected in the media. 

Tom Rowler’s Royal Verdict A Concern

Tom Rowler’s Royal Verdict A Concern

Stellar Performer

Boris Johnson was a superb PM whose character  was wrongfully assassinated by the media. He made some understandable mistakes, sure, but these were completely blown out of proportion by most media outlets and before long, the public turned their backs on him and ousted him from office. We must protect Rees-Mogg at all costs to stop this happening to him, and I find the only way to do this is to ensure the media only publishes positive stories about him. 

Rees-Mogg is currently serving as the Minister for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency and he’s doing a stellar job. After the delightful referendum victory six years ago, Great Britain has never been more full of hope, promise, and optimism and we can thank people like Rees-Mogg for this. If he can excel as a Minister, just imagine what he’d do in Downing Street.

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Extinction Rebellion Vandals At It Again!

Conservatives In Good Shape

Today’s generation harbours a strong dislike for the Somerset MP presumably because he’s successful and well-spoken. They throw nonsensical and unproven claims that Rees-Mogg is some sort of elitist who’s only invested in the interests of the rich and claim that his rise to stardom was only possible through the power of his father, William. Such accusations are offensive, inaccurate, and yet more evidence of the young Briton’s detachment from reality. 

Nevertheless, I’m still thrilled that we’ll be treated to either Truss or Sunak. This really is a golden age of British politics, but I still think a Rees-Mogg reign would be the cherry on top. The Conservative Party is as strong as ever and I hope it shines over us for eternity. I’m sure that whoever becomes the next Prime Minister will do a sterling job, but it seems like Britain’s best chance of a Rees-Mogg residency in Downing Street has gone.


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