Heatwave was Too Much To Handle


The past week has seen soaring temperatures with parts of the country reaching temperatures in the mid-30s. 

The sunshine was greeted with great enthusiasm as people partied, sunbathed, ate, drank, and swam their troubles away in the tropical heat. If you’ve lived in the United Kingdom for more than five minutes, you’ll know that such a climate is incredibly rare and Britons only get a handful of days to truly enjoy summery weather. 

I’ve been a great believer in the Great British summer ever since my childhood. Back in the day, I was treated to magical days at Blackpool Pier, the Isle of Man, and the golden coast of Bournemouth. If you ask me, this country has natural scenery on-par with the South of France and the bustling streets of Italy.


Heatwave Has Been Tough

I adore anything British - including the weather. Yes, I can often be found complaining about the rain in my local pub, but weather-bashing is one of Britain's great pastimes. Much like when somebody insults or makes a sarcastic barb at a loved one, it’s only acceptable when we do it, and anybody else (ie, those not from Britain) taking shots at our weather is usually greeted with my scorn and outrage. 

Having said that, I have to say that this heatwave has been incredibly hard to get through. Yes, the sunshine was glorious and the bright rays shining down on Buckingham Palace were an almost heavenly sight, but the perpetual heat has its drawbacks. I notice disruptions in my sleep pattern, huge increases in traffic, and an overall disdain for the public. 

I Abhor Train Strikes!

I Abhor Train Strikes!

Heat Has Brought Out The Yobs

I tried to go to my local beach last weekend and had the misfortune of bumping into a group of youths playing offensive ‘music’ from a portable speaker. When I went over to reprimand them, they simply laughed at my outfit and called me a pejorative that I will not use here. Furious, I stormed off only to find that they had started a bonfire a stones’ throw away from the shoreline. To make matters even worse, my calls to the local authorities went completely ignored. Call me out-of-touch all you like, but rudeness to elders was simply unheard of when I was their age. 

I tried to calm myself down by visiting a nearby bar, but was told it was too busy to come in. My rage was later compounded when I found out my train was cancelled and I had to slug home, defeated, in an overpriced taxi. 

I could gush out our country’s natural beauty all day, but the truth is the public are ill-equipped to deal with a heatwave for longer than a few days. People are too rude, too irritable, and too unprepared to cope with a Mediterranean climate and I’m certainly not the only one who thinks this. 

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Spending Habits Are Why Youngsters Can’t Buy A Home

1976 Heat Culprit For Punk Music

Perhaps the ultimate British summer isn’t composed of heatwaves, but perpetual rain instead. Gloomy, disappointing weather is what we grew up with and is something we’re all used to. People may complain about it and jet off overseas, but I consider our subpar weather a small price to pay considering we live in the greatest country in human history. 

We can thank our lucky stars that the hot temperatures are a fleeting pleasure because God knows what’ll happen if it becomes commonplace. It’s no coincidence that the summer of 1976, a famously hot summer, was the year degenerate punk music came into fashion and the moral fabric of the UK was changed forever. If you ask me, the outrageously warm weather was a primary culprit, and I was glad to see the sun absent for most of the following summer. 

The Met Office predicts the heatwave to disappear shortly. The public will be upset, yet I’ll be smiling from ear to ear once the sky returns to its rightful gray.


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