Censoring Royal Art Is A Complete Joke


Sensitive viewers of Her Majesty’s art collection have pleaded for galleries to review artwork that feature links to ‘’race, enslavement, empire and disability”.  

Amid growing concerns about the Royal Family’s past, some people state that the pieces of art on display showcase a dark side to our nation’s history. Last year alone saw over 2,500 paintings, sculptures, and drawings fall under scrutiny for their controversial subject matter. 

Some of the artworks were changed and updated to appease overly-emotional, modern viewers, whilst others were retired from viewings completely and will most likely never be seen again.


Censorship Is A Disgrace

For example, a portrait of Sir Thomas Picton - a man often called the Hero of Waterloo - was fitted with a disclaimer describing his links to the slave trade. Additionally, a sketch by 17th-century Italian artist Domenichino named ‘Epileptic Boy’ was hurriedly renamed ‘Boy With Epilepsy’, whilst over 1,000 photos depicting Edward Prince of Wales’ 1821 visit to India were taken down to avoid offence. 

As you probably guessed, I find this objection to be disgraceful. The Royal Family is Britain’s most prized commodity and we must do all we can to preserve its good name. Of course, they’ve engaged in some acts that we know now aren’t acceptable, but to pin that on Her Majesty is abhorrent. After all, it was only seven weeks ago when the country was celebrating the 70th year of her historic reign and discussing her unparalleled legacy on British history. 

A Balanced View On History

I consider criticism of their artwork to be akin to treason. It is not the public’s job to judge the Royal Family as the institution is on a higher moral plain than us mere mortals. Sure, we could waste time debating whether or not some artworks feature dated attitudes and practices, but I think worshiping the ground they walk on is a better use of our time. The incredible Queen Elizabeth is in the twilight of her reign and we must not taint this by talking about the shenanigans of her predecessors. 

Some of the artworks go as far back as the early 1500s to the reign of Henry VII and, therefore, showcases the evolution of the Monarchy since the War of the Roses and the subsequent Tudor era. The bloody instability of 16th-century Britain may offend some modern viewers, but understanding this time is essential for developing a balanced view of history. 

5 Things I Love About Being British

5 Things I Love About Being British

Another Royal Smear Campaign

The art censorship is just the latest attempt at smearing the royals. Back in April, the incredible Prince William visited the Caribbean with Kate Middleton in a trip that was sickenly described as ‘tone deaf’ and was apparently full of ‘colonial undertones’. Prince William later gave a statement where he heroically apologised for Britain’s role in the slave trade and said that it should never have happened. 

I was incandescent with rage when I learned that the public was holding the horrors of the slave trade to our Royal Family and forcing them to account for the mistakes of their ancestors. I considered it a new low for Royal critics until I learned of their attempts to censor their divine artwork. 

The only way this country is going to get back on track and end the ‘culture war’ with itself is to unite as one and pledge to live under the watch of the Royal Family. They’ve served this country incredibly well, and airbrushing the mistakes of those who lived hundreds of years ago out of the public consciousness is a heinous, undemocratic crime.


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