Glorious way to Honour Our Queen


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest yesterday in a stunning ceremony befitting of the Queen’s historic life. 

Leaders from around the world gathered to celebrate the 96 wonderful years of Queen Elizabeth II, and diplomatic and political matters were briefly cast aside for the occasion. The vast majority of Britons have not lifted through a monarch’s funeral, and all were blown away by the sheer magnitude of the event. 

Behind watery eyes, I watched my television set dressed in all-black as I said a painful final goodbye to the greatest monarch this nation has ever seen. We’ve had some iconic rulers in the past, from Richard the Lionheart to Queen Victoria, but none have been as enduring and iconic as Elizabeth II.

End Of The Elizabethan Age

The funeral procession started in late-morning as the Queen’s coffin was carried from the Palace of Westminster to Westminster Abbey. Following the coffin was the King, followed by Royal Family members and members of the King’s Household. 

The realization that the Queen was truly departed hit me when I saw her ornate coffin being carried down to the Abbey. Before, I had convinced myself that her death was a mere bad dream and that it’d all be over soon. Some said I was in denial, but I refused to listen. 

However, I admitted defeat when I saw the Crown, Spectre, and Orb atop the coffin. Elizabeth II was indeed no more, and the second Elizabethan age was over. The King was stoic, brave, and dignified in the face of heartbreak - and I think he deserves all the praise in the world. 

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II - 1950’s

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II - 1950’s

The Abbey In All It’s Pomp

Westminster Abbey, the site of Royal funerals for over a millennium, looked as ornate and as beautiful as ever. The 25-year-old Queen was crowned here in 1953, and it was only fitting that her funeral take place here 69 years later. Her Majesty will be interred with her beloved late husband, himself taken too soon, as the Royal couple are together at last. 

Nobody does pomp and circumstance quite like the Brits, and our State Funeral was met with worldwide acclaim and envy. US President Joe Biden sat with wonder as he contemplated the magnificence of the Abbey, whilst other world leaders were dazzled by the stunning choir. 

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II - 1960’s

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II - 1960’s

Gone But Never Forgotten

The Queen’s funeral concluded at 19:30 with a private burial ceremony. In what must’ve been a hugely emotional sight, Her Majesty’s coffin was lowered beneath the Royal Vault never to see the light of day again. Brits young and old weeped for their Queen, whilst heaven gained yet another Royal angel.

The Monarchy truly is born to rule over us. The sun may have set on Elizabeth II’s reign, but the era of Charles III will seek to heal our wounds and bring us into the future. I will never, ever forget Her Majesty’s funeral, and I feel blessed to have been born at a time when I could witness it in person. 


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