Superb Boris At It Again


The superb Boris Johnson recently unveiled plans to help make housing more affordable for young and struggling Britons. 

The plans were announced earlier this week as Johnson continues to wade his way through the toxic criticism he has been unfairly receiving in recent weeks. Drawing inspiration from the legendary Margaret Thatcher, Boris plans to help low-earners use housing benefits to help cover mortgages.


Turning Benefits Into Bricks

Speaking on the announcement, the Prime Minister said citizens will be ‘’given a new choice to put benefits towards a first-ever mortgage’’ before adding ‘’it’s time to turn benefits into bricks.’’

Housing benefits cost the UK government around £30 billion a year - and the vast majority of that money is filtered through to hard-working private landlords. Usually, someone with an existing mortgage is not eligible for benefits payments, though Johnson vows to challenge this. 

The housing move comes at a time when house prices have soared in the UK - effectively pricing out the majority of Britons (but not me). Millions of people in the country are forced to rent their property as opposed to buying it and the recent cost-of-living crisis has made the prospect of autonomous home ownership even more of a faraway dream.

I Have Total Confidence In Boris

I Have Total Confidence In Boris

Boris In Tune

Enter Boris Johnson. Never before have I seen a Prime Minister so in-tune with the needs of the everyday Brit, and his recent housing plan is further evidence of that. He’s clearly been studying Thatcher’s playbook, demonstrated by his enduring leadership and his determination to help make citizens make more money. Some say Johnson is merely using his affordable housing idea to paper over the cracks caused by his recent no-confidence vote, but I strongly disagree with this. 

Others have denounced the plan as unrealistic and unworkable. To them, I say anything is possible in Britain if we just work hard enough and believe in ourselves. Call me an idealist, but I’m a strong believer that facts and figures are no match for the British spirit. 

Johnson’s leadership has always taken a ‘people first’ approach. Look at his heroic decisions during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic as an example. Not only did the PM fully lock us down for our safety, but he was also an integral part of Britain’s world-beating test-and-trace system and vaccination effort. His decisions on Brexit have been shrewd and smart, and his burgeoning relationship with Volodomyr Zelensky is nothing short of commendable. 

Fully Agree With Rees-Mogg’s Defence Of Boris

Fully Agree With Rees-Mogg’s Defence Of Boris

Boris Saves The Day

Despite my considerable financial success, I realise that Britain has a problem with its house prices and amounts have gotten seriously out of hand. I’m fortunate to have grown up in an era where having a roof over one’s head didn’t cost an arm in a leg and I feel a small (yet noticeable) degree of empathy for those looking to get on the housing ladder today. 

Like a superhero, Boris Johnson has flown in to save the day. Under his competent watch, Britons will soon be on their way to owning their first home. In return, all the Prime Minister wants is your support and unwavering dedication to the British Establishment - a small price to pay if you ask me. 

Mr. Johnson’s legendary reign as Prime Minister has already seen several highlights and his passion for helping the lesser-off is surely up there. When historians look back at his time, they’ll uncover a reign with multiple victories during one of this great country’s most challenging times. 

If you’re dreaming about owning your first home, then you should thank your lucky stars you live in the same era as Boris Johnson. He’s dedicated to removing the bureaucracy of the housing market and putting its power back into the hands of the people. 


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