The Return Of The Great British Coal Mine


The first UK-based coal mine in 30 years has been approved by Michael Gove. The announcement was made despite calls about the mine’s impact on the environment amid efforts to clean up the atmosphere. 

The mine, which will be located in Cumbria, really will roll back the years and remind us of all of Britain’s mining past. Those who are in favour of the mine claim that it will create jobs and stimulate the local economy. In a cost-of-living crisis, this could come in very handy. 


Impact On Overseas Image

A return to mining may also teach Britain’s youngsters a thing or two about old-school working values. Though I never worked in one myself, I know that such an occupation requires work ethic, drive,  and an rejection of Mick Lynch’s principles. 

There are some, however, who abhor the proposals and speculate it could damage the UK’s world-beating reputation on climate change. 

Lord Deben, chairman of the CCC (Climate Change Committee), said the proposal was "absolutely indefensible’’ and would, in fact, lessen our image overseas. Whilst Lord Deben makes a salient point, I can’t help but think a return to the coal mine is just what the doctor ordered.

That is, if this generation is smart enough not to throw their toys out of the pram and cause a second Miners’ Strike. Regrettably, this country must make the decision between its cleanliness (as coal is the dirtiest of all fossil fuels) or its declining work ethic. It’s a tough choice, but I’d wager that the latter is the priority. 

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Miliband Concerns

As usual, Ed Miliband does not agree with my analysis, as the Shadow Climate Secretary thinks the proposed mine ‘does not offer secure, long-term jobs’ and was ‘no solution to the energy crisis.’

Be that as it may, I can’t wait to see a return of the common sort’s coal-smeared faces and caged canary birds. Such sights will spur the nostalgic trigger in me and take me back to my younger days, where hard work was the norm and social media wasn’t even a concept. Call me outdated and archaic if you want, but it’s high time we invested in UK infrastructure and let the glory days run again. 

The CCC forecast that 85% of the coal will be exported - something that is music to my ears, as this country has fallen way behind its rivals in terms of exporting power. With the return of the Great British Coal Mine, it seems that Great Britain really is returning. 


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