1992 A Tough Year For Our Queen


The early 90s gave birth to the abhorrent ‘rave’ scene and saw young Britons listening to gaudy electronic ‘music’ and hosting warehouse parties where they engaged in God knows what. Thatcher was gone and the moral fabric of this great country was in serious decline. 

If that wasn’t bad enough ,1992 just happened to be the toughest year of our Queen’s long and historic life. It was the year that she’d retrospectively describe as an ‘’annus horribilis’’ and one that the Royals and public would rather forget.


Scandals And Windsor Castle Fire

Why was 1992 so bad for The Queen? Well, Her Majesty had to experience four different Royal scandals, all out of her control, and watch her stellar reputation be briefly tarnished. 

From Charles and Camillia’s secret phone calls to the ‘toe sucking’ scandal involving Sarah Ferguson, it seemed that The Queen couldn’t get away from the headlines and had to take the brunt of criticism when it came to the Royals’ hijinks. 

I remember lying in bed each night and almost crying at the undeserved scorn Her Majesty received and what little I could do to stop it. We were supposed to be celebrating 40 years of her being on the throne, but instead all the media could talk about were the scandals. It was, and remains, an absolute disgrace. 

To make matters worse, 1992 saw a huge fire break out at Windsor Castle and destroy over 100 rooms. The year could not have finished soon enough for Her Majesty and her unwavering subjects (such as myself) as we all hoped 1993 would be the year things reached a speck of normality. 

Reflecting on those 12 grim months, The Queen said ‘’1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure’’ - a summary that was very much an understatement and only highlights Her Majesty’s grace and dignity even more. 

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The Queen Stood Firm

The collapse of three Royal marriages, a ghastly scandal, and a severe fire at her residence made 1992 the worst year in modern Royal history, yet The Queen was at fault for none of these incidents. 

Relations between the press and the monarchy would only sour in subsequent years (culminating with the manner of Diana’s tragic death) before cooling off in the 2000s. Our Queen has seen some tough years before, yet none seemed to have been so cruel as the dismal 1992. 

I hope the media remembers these 12 months as a reminder to leave the Royals alone and let them concentrate on what they do best - governing over us with dignity and class. 

Three decades later, I still have terrifying flashbacks to ‘annus horribilis’ experienced by the Royals and hope that they’re never again exposed to such rancid events.


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