Things I loathe About The British Summer


The Great British Summer is a trope going back generations. After our insufferably long and miserable winters, the outbreak of warm sunshine is welcomed by almost everyone in the country for very understandable reasons. 

British winters are arduous, testing affairs that never seem to end. Living under black skies and cold temperatures is really only tolerable for a few weeks, but us battle-hardened Brits put up with these conditions for most of the year. 


What I Love About British Summer

There are many things I love about our summers. The guilt-free beer garden trips. The snug embrace of the sun. Being able to visit Britain’s stunning, underrated beaches. It may not last long, but I do genuinely look forward to summertime. Life always feels a bit easier with the bombardment of vitamin D and the absence of gray clouds. Days go by quicker and nights seem to go on forever. 

We were treated to some glorious weather over the Easter weekend and this got me thinking of how much I’ve missed the clear blue skies after a particularly bleak autumn and winter. 

I applaud You Boris

I applaud You Boris

What I Loathe About British Summer

However, there are many things I loathe about British sunshine. The shortened tempers of the public and perpetual traffic queues come to mind first. Citizens seem to lose all sense of common sense by deciding that a trip to Bournemouth Beach is a great and original idea. 

Yobs In The Parks

Yobs congregate in parks and have the brilliant idea to loudly consume cans of Thatchers cider before leaving their rubbish for someone else to collect. Insufferabable ‘pop’ music is blared out at the loudest possible setting for everybody else to endure. Bad drivers come out of their shells. 

Tyson Fury Is A

Tyson Fury Is A

Public Transport And Cheap BBQ's

Public transport becomes a cauldron of heat as people muscle their way onto buses and trains. After arriving at my destination, I’m often ‘treated’ to an outdoor BBQ featuring hunks of cheap meat, rock-hard rolls, and tasteless salad. ‘’Isn’t this a treat!’’ - no, it is not. I could have stayed home eating a ready meal if I wanted disappointing food. 

My hatred of British heat waves is a relatively recent thing as it seems the youth of today are far more inconsiderate and unpleasant than I was at their age. Just the other day I was called a ‘Boomer’ (which, apparently, is a pejorative now) for asking some kids to turn down their music. 

What they failed to understand is that I wear my baby-boomer origins with distinct pride, so I had the last laugh all things considered. 

Sleep Deprivation

Another thing I can’t stand in the summer is trying to sleep. How, in any circumstances, can a human being sleep in 30 degree heat with no air-conditioning? 

Especially when the only source of ventilation is a useless desk fan that does nothing aside from providing some white noise. The poor-quality sleep could explain the attitudes of the public, but it certainly doesn’t excuse them. 

Woke Brigade At It Again

Woke Brigade At It Again

UK Not Designed For The Heat

I don’t think the UK is designed for heat over 25 degrees celsius. If the temperature creeps up even slightly above this, then it seems to descend into an area of poorly-behaved teens, sunburnt yobs, and daisy-chain wearing hippies. 

Common courtesy goes out the window and the public becomes at least 50% more rude. I love the sun, but I detest the heat. 

Is it just me getting older and more cantankerous? No chance. I still love the British summertime, I just wish other people showed it the respect it deserves. The recent Easter heatwave was enjoyable for a day or two, but it eventually ended up with the unpleasant scenes I’ve come to know all too well. 



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